Anitta Maltela

Head of Marketing Communications at Good Sign

Taija Engman of Good Sign vlogs about challenges in transparency and compliance

2 min read

Challenges In Transparency And Compliance – Taija Engman Video Blog

Taija has discussed the common pain points in recurring revenue monetization in a video blog series. This time she talks about the challenges in providing a single source of truth for the services billed. Transparent truth for the customers....

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Billing problems hurt customer satisfaction

2 min read

Billing Problems Cause Unhappy Customers - Taija Engman's Video Blog

Taija Engman, CEO of Good Sign continues her video blogging about pain points in recurring revenue, with her dog Bea, from a lakeside in Finland.

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2 min read

Slow Time To Market - Video Blog By Taija Engman

Taija Engman, CEO of Good Sign continues her video blogging about pain points in recurring revenue, with her dog Bea, from lakeside in Finland. This...

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1 min read

Too Much Manual Work In Service Billing - Video Blog By Taija Engman

Taija Engman, with her dog Bea, talks about how manual processes in pricing and billing cause delays and errors. When any service content, change and...

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2 min read

Taija Engman Video Blogs About Revenue Leakage

Taija Engman, CEO of Good Sign accompanied by Bea, the dog, continues her lakeside video blogging about 5 most common pain points in service billing....

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1 min read

Taija Engman Video Blogs About Pain Points in Service Billing

Taija Engman, CEO, and co-founder of Good Sign talks about service billing in a video blog series of 6 episodes, filmed at her family cottage at...

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