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Service Automation

2 min read

If Your SaaS Business Is Leaking Revenue, Here Is How to Stop It

You might not be aware, but according to EY* it is estimated that businesses leak about 1-5% of their EBITDA in revenue. Just like with any leak, it...

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3 min read

When Billing Hurts Your Business

Billing Might Hurt Your Business No, we are not talking about receiving an invoice from a supplier. That is what we would call self-inflicted pain....

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2 min read

What Makes Billing Crucial in SaaS

Scaling A SaaS Business Is A Different Ballgame SaaS is hot, and while the subscription economy is nowadays mainstream, many client companies...

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3 min read

From Traditional Services Billing To A Proactive Process

There is a good chance that billing is considered a routine job in your company, recurring after the end of each month. The process is reactive and...

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2 min read

Experts' Advice On Choosing an Agile Billing System

Agile Billing, The Cornerstone Or Stumbling Block In Your Business Strategy? We have all discovered the need to quickly adapt to new business models...

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2 min read

Why Excel Is the Snake in Your Billing Paradise

Excel Is Everywhere, And For The Right Reasons As a finance professional, you will probably spend a generous amount of time using Microsoft Excel,...

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