The City Of Lahti Enables Personal Carbon Trading

How do you involve your citizens in becoming carbon-neutral and give them control in achieving this goal? The Finnish city of Lahti, European Green Capital in 2021, set out to do just that. Its goal is to be a carbon-neutral city by 2025, meaning ten years earlier than, for example, the Finnish state and most other cities. In this blog, we describe how a billing platform became a key instrument to give citizens control.

Lahti video thumb

Customer-Centric Service For The Good Cause

The city of Lahti wanted to involve its citizens in an experiment to reduce their carbon footprint. They decided to develop a system that enables personal emissions tracking, crediting, and trading mechanisms for personal emissions. Lahti citizens using the system can benefit from reducing their emissions from mobility. They can receive various incentives on the platform marketplace if they reduce emissions.

Watch the video:


CitiCAP: the Carbon Trading platform project

The system called CitiCAP, automatically identifies what is the mode of transportation of its user and tracks emissions from mobility. Mobility is tracked by a mobile app that can identify the means of transport using an intelligent algorithm. The data is sent to the billing platform which converts the data to emission credits and maintains user-specific credit balance. The rating and billing platform also maintains a budget for the user. If the user remains below budget, virtual credits are accumulated and exchanged for various products and discounts on the application marketplace.

Good Sign as the flexible engine for the carbon trading platform

For the service, Lahti needed a modern and flexible platform to enable carbon trading. The original plan was to develop a custom platform for that specific use. However, after evaluating the capabilities of Good Sign, Lahti was convinced by its flexibility and the ability to enable fast to market. The Good Sign platform with its standard configuration tools was chosen.


Graph: CitiCAP Carbon Trading System Architecture

lahti graph


Read more about Lahti CitiCap Project


Flexibility and versatility: the future of agile billing platforms

The city of Lahti has received very positive global responses to their CitiCAP Carbon Trading Platform. Good Sign got to demonstrate that the future of agile billing goes beyond straightforward billing and towards ecosystem platforms. Whether it's carbon or cash, billing and monetization play a central role in making sure all ecosystem partners are compensated and connected. 

Read more about monetizing recurring revenue. Download a Quick Guide

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Take us to the test!

If you feel your billing needs will outgrow your current recurring revenue billing solution, or if you are just curious to learn how Good Sign does things differently, feel free to take us to the test! We will gladly take on your challenge and prove to you it can be done, and that the new world lies beyond just subscriptions.

Feel free to contact us and let’s have a chat on how we can support your company.

Source: Per­so­nal car­bon tra­ding sc­he­me ma­de Lah­ti-peop­le ques­tion their mo­bi­li­ty (City of Lahti News Page)


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